Interior Design

22 students

Interior Design at The Glasgow School of Art is a vibrant Studio Community. A place where creative imaginations promote a deeper understanding of the potential and actual value of the spaces we inhabit. It makes use of its location – a specialist Studio within a specialist Art School – to focus on how the nature, quality and potential of the interior can be developed. The Studio is central to such cons... More


Introduction to Interior Design

from My Project

from My Project

from My Project

from My Project

from My Project

from Tender Objects

from Mid Ulster Pride

from Tender Objects

from Tender Objects

from Tender Objects

from Himalayan Cafe

from Void

from Site

from Market floors

from Market floors


from The Project

from GREEN HOUSE- Portfolio

from GREEN HOUSE- Functional Division

from GREEN HOUSE- A Retail of Tomorrow

from GREEN HOUSE- A Retail of Tomorrow

from GREEN HOUSE- Journal

from The Green

from The Green

from The Green

from The Green

from The Green

During my research I Found that 77% of Britons find it hard to talk about death. The event space aims to shift this cultural narrative that talking about death with other people is taboo or uncomfortable by providing a multi-functional space that educates, supports and connects the surrounding community to the subject of death. This is a multipurpose space, during the day it will be used by families who are wishing to rewatch family videos to remember the bereaved at any point after the crematorium experience. This allows families to re connect with their shared grief in a safe environment and also celebrate their deceased loved one. There is also an opportunity for those using the digital death pods to select videos and photos that they want to share with their family for this experience. At night it is a death education space, working to educate people on wider death culture, from art to science, this space connect wider topics such race, gender and class to death and death culture.

from Community space

from Finale

from Finale

This space acts as a step between the reception and the waiting areas. Families can gather here and catch up so that they feel mentally prepared to witness the cremation.

from Water Cremation

The water cremation space holds witness cremations which means once the bereaved enter the space they will be able to dress the casket, normally with flowers or pictures, and then they will witness the cremation. This active participation allows them to be engaged with the process. I also wanted this intimate space to be able to be opened up to the public in a controlled and educational way. So as you can see in this visual the ceiling is actually a void space which has a curtain that can be opened to let the public in or closed to allow complete privacy. Viewing a body has many benefits to the bereaved, often times seeing is believing and viewing the deceased a time for everyone to say goodbye to the deceased in their own personal way. I think through media. Corporations and how much death had been medicalised over the years, deceased bodies have been removed from society and stigmatised. By allowing people to witness a cremation and see the body in a safe and controlled way, this space will reduce the fear of bodies, and therefore the fear of death.

from Water Cremation

from Education Area

from Transitioning to the First Floor

from Transitioning to the First Floor

from Vertical Farming Experience


from Public Awareness Installations

from Public Awareness Installations


from Public Awareness Installations

from Zone One

from Zone One

from Zone One

from The Site

from The Plan

from Ground Floor – Made

from Ground Floor – Made

from Third Floor – Ideation

from Second Floor – Making

from Ground Floor – Made

from We Live

from We Live

from We Live

from We Live

from We Live

from The Universe Star Internet Cafe

from The Universe Star Internet Cafe

from The Universe Star Internet Cafe

from The Universe Star Internet Cafe

from The Universe Star Internet Cafe

from Adaptive Living

from Adaptive Living

from Adaptive Living

from Adaptive Living

from Adaptive Living

The Ladies Pool Visual

from The Ladies Pool

from The Ladies Pool

from The Ladies Pool

Glasgow Map

from The Ladies Pool

from The Ladies Pool

from Sanctuary

from Sanctuary

from Sanctuary

from Sanctuary

from Research

from Exhibition Intro

from The Site

from The Site

from The Site

from Accessible Resident Flat

from Standard Resident Flat

from Community Hub & Unity Level

from Accessible Resident Flat

from Intake House

from The community mosque.

from The community mosque.

The Community mosque

from The community mosque.

from The community mosque.

from The community mosque.

from Events Hall

from Events Hall

from Introducing Dressing Rooms

from Café/Bar

from Events Hall

from Project Nendo.

from Project Nendo.

from Project Nendo.

from Project Nendo.

from Project Nendo.