Glasgow Interior Design School of Design

Bushra Samimy (She/her)

The community mosque.

The community mosque.

The community mosque is a space designed purely for the community. As well as functioning as a place of worship it has additional community spaces that is open for anyone to use. Each additional space has a direct link to the a core value of Islam. The library to Ilm (knowledge), the garden to nature and the donation centre to charity.

This project was a way to encourage those who are unfamiliar with places of worship to visit and understand them. A invitation to see “what goes on inside”.

The Community mosque

Mosque exterior

A visual of the exterior of the community mosque.
Plan and section.

Plan and section of the Community mosque

A plan and section of the community mosque showing certain details. Displaying a collective view.

Mosque brochure

Available to gude users throughout the mosque

Prayer hall

The prayer hall is an extremely part of a mosque. The prayer hall in the community mosque.

Prayer hall

With Covid-19 many changes had to be made in all spaces. The mosque was also set up to accomodate Coronavirus restrictions.

Shadows of window details

The windows of the mosque have decorative shells. These are a great exmaple Islamic architecture and design.

Hallways within the mosque