Ying Li


Connect Lah
A community utility app aims to help migrant workers to integrate into Singapore culture more smoothly.
Migrant workers are in need of support from Singaporean and the government in reducing their hardship of integrating into Singapore society.
Creating a seamless experience to connect migrant workers to Singapore culture when there’s a lack of support from Singaporeans towards migrant workers.
Dusk of Vitality
A card game aims to foster stronger human connections between seniors and youths in families. Members of the family will learn about menopause from various perspectives because menopause affects people of all ages, regardless of gender—directly and indirectly. The characters—Rabbit Yin and Vermilion Eagle are to escape the dusk of vitality. However, players needs to be aware of Thousand Face’s hindrance that might trap other players in the dungeon after all the possibilities of paths are blocked.
The false consciousness of menopause as a woman issue is a misconception caused by masculinity and the lack of attention to educating people on menopause.
The Challenge
Spread awareness and knowledge about menopause by reconstructing and redefining the fate of menopause.
NOMO FOMO provokes FOMO culture with sarcasm in the hope to make Generation Z ponder the meaning of living and the meaning of social media in their lives. FOMO generation Z has a high level of loneliness where they substitute social media for a true friendship. They are constantly bombarded with self-comparisons with others some might have a narrow view of life success leading to destructive perfectionism. To live is about finding simple happiness in living, it is human to worry about uncertainties in life and it is human to live in an endless cycle of seeking wealth, power, and possession.
Nihilism is an optimistic attitude towards living, it encourages us to find our own meaning in life as meaning is assigned by man and meaning itself is nothing.
Encourage Generation Z to embrace FOMO with contentment.