Choo Yee Ping Gracelyn (She/Her)

Hi, my name is Gracelyn.
In this last year of my school life, I wanted to explore a theme that I could really resonate with; a deeper calling. Embarking on the OIP from Glasgow and bringing back the notion of Dérive and the Flâneur into the Sengkang, Singapore context. Sparked by questioning notions beyond every day and how we experience our world.
Flaneuring is to read the city while wandering through it psychogeographically. Maps represent geography as strategic circulations— demarcations directing us around the urbanscape. Existing power play silently dominates the everyday, dictating how we walk, where we walk and the way we drift around the city.
In this manifesto, the flaneur disrupts and diffuses these tensions with the help of light drifting pavilions which act as markers of informal pathways. By taking unbeaten paths, flaneurs gently regain their rights to the city in the form of a gentle rebellion.

Chapter 1: The Wandering Flaneur
The project is sparked by curiosities festered during the OIP to Glasgow in Summer 2019.
Flaneury is a kind of reading of the streets and the city. The project explores the art of wandering and drifting. Flaneuring can be executed anywhere and everywhere. Everyone flaneurs, be it consciously or subconsciously. Flaneuring encourages us to “be” where we are at and experience our urban cities wholesomely, on a deeper level of consciousness.

1. Elements of Glasgow

3. Bringing the art of flaneur back to Singapore's context

4. Drifting in Sengkang

9. Drifting stop 1

10. Drifting stop 2

11. Drifting stop 3
Chapter 2: Spatial Fragments, The Everyday Flaneur
Framing Spatial Fragments – The art of flaneury is a relatively personal and subjective manifestation. Project 2 utilizes Frames as an instrument to frame views of specific spatial fragments. Spatial fragments evokes narratives in our consciousness. Spatial fragments are re-interpretated and translated showing the possibilities and variety of the art of flaneur.
Design statement: Collecting spatial fragments to form narratives in our consciousness.

3. Thinking through making

4. The Dwelling Bodies Dwelling: Body positions: Body in space

5. Film Studies: Framing Scenes

6. Flaneur's thought funnel

11. Framing

Chapter3:Where the Flaneurs Drift
Flaneurs’ Pavillions – The final project documents markers of informal paths made by drifting. The temporality and fragile traces left behind by fellow flaneurs reveals opportunity for taking pauses to dwell whilst drifting, looking through the apertures (perspective) of fellow flaneurs. Paper-like pavilions plotted on these delicate markers amplifies the ephemeral spirit of Sengkang. Pavilions sway with the wind creating gentle rustles. Wind, Sunlight, Raindrops, and the Texture of the pavilion encompasses these floating pavilions; seemingly drifting reminiscent of the flaneurs. Everyday flaneurs like you and I can drift and dwell in Sengkang and its surprise-interventions.

1. Envisage of Drifters’ Pavilions

2. Envisage of Drifters’ Pavilions

3. Method of Revealing

10. Drifters' Pavillion

11. Drifters' Pavillion

12. Drifters' Pavillion

13. Drifters' Pavillion

17. Interior of Drifters' Pavillions

18. Interior of Drifters' Pavillions

19. Drifters' Pavillions