‘What Has Been The Worst Part Of The Pandemic For You?’
I asked this question to over 400 people. Each response was raw & painful. I wanted to create a realistic portrayal of the world we are living in and how difficult the last year has actually been. I photographed throughout lockdown using an SLR camera and ended up over hundreds of photographs. I then drew on top of the photographs of different people window stills, I wanted to capture what people had been living with over the last year. I created tally mark pages to represent all the time that has passed and laid out all the responses clearly so they could all be read.
One the reasons I wanted to create this book is so that I had something to look back on to remind myself as how much we went through as a society – as well as how badly our government failed us. I wonder in years to come what will be written in history books about this time? Will we romantics it & pretend it was all learning dances and making your own bread? Will we forget how truly difficult it was to live day by day in lockdown? I want this to be saved and passed down to generations after us – so we learn from the governments fails and do not sugar coat this time.