We Live
“The last three years should not feel like a waste of time. It should be a part of your life”.
Matthias Hollwich, architect.
We Live is a project that aims to destigmatize elderly care and older age in general.
Ageing is an unavoidable process, it happens to all of us. Everyone at some point of life will need to deal with the number of challenges that ageing brings. Not everyone is lucky enough to be spending the last years of her/his life at family home. Moving into care facility is often essential. It usually causes an emotional trauma- it affects older person’s mental health and is devastating to the family .. We Live was created with the hope that this can change. That such trauma can be avoided, if not, at least, reduced.We Live is a happy, optimistic place, where life goes in accordance to individuals’ inner rhythm and needs., Everybody feels respected and safe there, independence is supported and promoted. It feels like home, not like hospital. Bedrooms are suitable for couples and single people. Communal spaces offer pleasant and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors of any age are always welcomed- they are an integral part of residents everyday lives. Colourful, full of light and spacious spaces boost energy. Cafe enables hanging out with friends while having a cuppa and a wee snack. It becomes a dining room during mealtimes. There are smaller and quieter lounges too, they enable relax and rest.
We Live is a good place to work for carers and medical staff- friedly, safe and fully adapted to senior residents needs, this helps in reducing work related stress.
We Live brings the message- that whatever age we are at we deserve to feel respected and equally important members of society.