2. portable bus stop @ the alternative degree show festival part 1


Portable bus stop at The Briggait, one of the locations in the student led festival! Materials: 29 pvc pipes, 18 pvc connectors, plant frost fleece, 3D printed screen holders and 2 Raspberry Pi’s with screens.

portabel bus stop in the briggait with sun cast across the top and sides with the screen and wire on the inside

portable bus stop

raspberry pi screen of person in the portable bus stop with blue sky in a 3D casing

raspberry pi screen in portable bus stop at the briggait

wait on the raspberry pi screen attached to the bus stop

portable bus stop

portable bus stop, close up of the rapsberry pi screens in the bus stop

portable bus stop at the briggait

light shining through the anti plant freeze fleece with the briggait in the background

roof of portable bus stop

raspberry pi screen in a 3D case with rotascoped eagle floating across the screen

portable bus stop raspberry pi screen

rotascoped eagle

raspberry pi with wait scrolling across the screen in orange writing

bus coming...please wait

person standing in the portable bus stop at the briggait, their body slightly distorted because of the anti plant freeze

portable bus stop

person standing in the portable bus stop at the briggait, their body slightly distorted because of the anti plant freeze

portable bus stop

rotascoped person

bus coming gif

rotascoped person

rotascoped person