Re-engaging of Senses pt. 01: Home
Part 01 Intent:
With darkness as a form of material, I would like to explore the sense of familiarity in the notion of a familiar setting in our HDB estate but with our sight being the less important sense in the space, to create a possible outcome of what it feels like to be in a familiar place by relying on our other senses. Using my usual route to and fro of home, how can I bring back the sense of familiarity lost in the realm of darkness and allow people to maneuver in the dark at ease?
The chosen site is at Blk 845, Woodlands. I stay at this block and because I am exploring the sense of familiarity in the ‘Known’ spaces, I’ve narrowed down the targeted areas to the five spaces – Void deck walkway, lift lobbies, lift and corridor, as those are the spaces I would journey through from home to school and school to home everyday.