This booklet continues with part 2 of the Project : “Work with Plants”. This project deals with the work side of “LIVE, WORK AND PLAY” and the idea of working from home while being around nature and plants.
With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many of us had to stick with the mandatory “work from home” setting which entailed us to having our work life even at home. This caused a major disruption in many of our lives, having to juggle personal and work life in the same place. In this part, I will be creating a space where residents can comfortably work/study all whilst being around nature and having the elements of outdoors all whilst being indoors.
The intention is to integrate the idea of “outside” into indoor workspaces. The design is mainly for working adults and studying children/adults (those who need a workspace). The intervention is having a “work from home” type of situation, but instead it is “work near home” with workspaces being available on two floors of the HDB. The reason for this “work near home” idea came out from the pandemic’s “work from home” movement.
However, instead of working from home and being cooped up in the same four walls every day, the work near home allows residents to leave their homes and work in other spaces near their homes. The work near home also prevents far travelling for the residents when in need on conducive workspaces other than their own homes. Nature and plants will be present throughout the building. This the allows residents to be near or cross paths with nature and the outside, even when working.