Disregard of Functionality

Boundaries in Singapore are usually planned through Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), their motto is to allow Singapore to be a great city to live, work and play in.
However, as a Singaporean, I feel that the residential spaces in Singapore are planned well for safety, not for work or even play. From my experience as a resident of Singapore, I observe that Singaporeans do not keep to the boundaries set for them. This is interesting as it can be seen as their own freedom of boundary. Because in Singapore, we are all restricted in the things that we do. We are set within our housing space, our housing room. We look as if we have the freedom to choose what we want to live within. But the reality is that we are set between the walls, this is why I feel that the Singaporeans want to set their own boundaries in the public spaces.
We feel more comfortable in our own boundaries, different people’s comfort varies. But how can we as a designer design something when the boundaries vary? Should we just leave it as an empty piece of land and tell the users what this space is zoned for?
For this project, I’m trying to investigate the functionality of the spatial boundaries. To see if there could be a middle ground for the functionality and non-functional aspect of design.

Read more in my portfolio.

Singapore Linearity

Physical Model Ideation

Testing Steepness of slope

Physical Model Ideation

Testing Steepness of slope

Polygon with Circle Diagrams [Converted]

Spaces of 650mm to allow bicycle lots

Linear Pathways Cycling & Walking

Current Walking Pathway

Bicycle Path x Walking Path

Parking + Cycling Iso

Boundary with Allowance

Boundaries Oval

Boundaries with Activities

Freeform Pathways Cycling x Walking Iso

Circular Pathways Cycling x Walking Iso

Circular Pathways Cycling x Walking

Circular Pathways Cycling x Walking

Circular Pathways Cycling x Walking

Physical Model Ideation

Testing Steepness of slope

Polygon with Circle Diagrams [Converted]

Spaces of 650mm to allow bicycle lots