3. deer bus tour multiplayer game
I’m interested in subverting game mechanics in this collective space…looking at absence of action and progression, absence of the deer’s physicality in the game. Absence can enable self created openings or windows of possibility, our brains filling in gaps: gaps have potential to begin mythology. The indicators of other players in the space is a rectangle, something that is neither here nor there, I wanted a simple visual representation of bodies as a non body. “We use “body” to give material form to an idea that has no form, an assemblage that is abstract.” Legacy Russell, Glitch Feminism
The game is a collage of my own videos and images, crudely made 3D objects, alongside stock images from Google. These stock images make up the pre-coded characters that lace the bus journey with sound bite narratives, these interactions come from the player moving through the space, alongside the potential other people present on the bus journey.
*I’ll be riding the bus everyday from the 9th-20th June at 19:00, come and join me, I’ll meet you at the bus stop! Game below*