2020 was a strange year. Normal daily life, social interaction with friends, strangers and being able to go out whenever we wish, were all on hold. During this period, a lack of interaction and engagement highlighted the possibilities of kinetic engagement in the design of these jewellery pieces. Their purpose is to encourage physical and visual engagement between the wearer and the piece.
The collection begins with three brooches, each containing different aspects of engagement between the wearer, viewer, and the piece. This includes visual engagement, which occurs when the viewers see the object, much like looking at a collection in a museum, behind glass. The other type of engagement responds to the wearer’s movement, the wearer determines the movement of the piece with his/her own movement. The brooches replicate the forms and patterns that characterise mushrooms; circles with lines filled in (the mushroom’s gills) or repeated dots which cover the surface (the mushroom’s pores).