Glasgow School of Fine Art Sculpture & Environmental Art

Tilly Prentice-Middleton (she/they)

blue sky heather and brown grass with white portable bus stop and person waiting inside

I’m interested in queering play, looking at how this can exist within the blur of digital and physical spaces; to be able to play out of, and in-between. Encouraging exploration, play, and misunderstandings: misunderstandings creating new thought processes. Working with collage as a way to disseminate the original context of objects in order to re-imagine their meaning and potentiality, through propagating sound, digital 3D, impermanent physical objects, tactile technology and video; this layering makes what was previously un-imagined now form the beginning of imagining. Playing generated through  imagination, one’s own mythology of objects and self, temporarily coming together creating a specificity of time that can’t be repeated. The work usually takes the form of a time based installation, the core being the tactile interaction or bodily interruption of the player, their touch (physical or digital) shaping the encounter; the player, an active contributor.

1. portable bus stop
2. portable bus stop @ the alternative degree show festival part 1
3. deer bus tour multiplayer game
4. prints
blue sky heather and brown grass with white portable bus stop and person waiting inside

1. portable bus stop

Due to the lock down at Christmas I was on the Isle of Skye at my parents home for the majority of the academic year, this is where I made the work; portable bus stop, (2m height x 2m width x 1m depth) made up of 29 pvc pipes and 18 connectors, it can be carried and assembled where you please. Bus stops are liminal, a place of wait and potentiality, a collective space in a dichotomy of stasis and movement. The portable bus stop disseminates the original context of the object in order to reimagine the in-between space that houses solitude, overhearing, collective experience and accidental meetings. Absence of context creates potentiality and fantasy. “The work of inhabiting a space involves a dynamic negotiation between what is familiar and unfamiliar, such that it is still possible for the world to create new impressions, depending on which way we turn, which effects what is within reach. Extending into space also extends what is “just about” familiar or is “just about” within reach.” Sara Ahmed, Queer Phenomenology

white portable bus stop on snowy ground with dark large forest behind with person inside in a yellow coat

portable bus stop

portable bus stop in the sea

the white portable bus stop in the sea with bright blue sky and cliffs in the background

portable bus stop

top section of white portable bus stop infront of the sea and blue sky

portable bus stop

portable bus stop with cuillin mountains behind

portable bus stop

waiting for the bus, stop motion, and setting up/taking down the bus stop

moving portable bus stop on the beach

bus stop flipbook

portable bus stop dissassembled on the floor the poles in a bag and the connectors in a seperate bag on a green mossy floor in woodland

portable bus stop dissassembled

the portable bus stop being carried

portable bus stop

bus stop and bird gif

portable bus stop in water

reflection of portable bus stop in water

white portable bus stop infront of snowy cuillins with person in orange coat in front

portable bus stop by the cuillins

shadow of portable bus stop on the grey sand with person standing in it

portable bus stop

2. portable bus stop @ the alternative degree show festival part 1


Portable bus stop at The Briggait, one of the locations in the student led festival! Materials: 29 pvc pipes, 18 pvc connectors, plant frost fleece, 3D printed screen holders and 2 Raspberry Pi’s with screens.

portabel bus stop in the briggait with sun cast across the top and sides with the screen and wire on the inside

portable bus stop

raspberry pi screen of person in the portable bus stop with blue sky in a 3D casing

raspberry pi screen in portable bus stop at the briggait

wait on the raspberry pi screen attached to the bus stop

portable bus stop

portable bus stop, close up of the rapsberry pi screens in the bus stop

portable bus stop at the briggait

light shining through the anti plant freeze fleece with the briggait in the background

roof of portable bus stop

raspberry pi screen in a 3D case with rotascoped eagle floating across the screen

portable bus stop raspberry pi screen

rotascoped eagle

raspberry pi with wait scrolling across the screen in orange writing

bus coming...please wait

person standing in the portable bus stop at the briggait, their body slightly distorted because of the anti plant freeze

portable bus stop

person standing in the portable bus stop at the briggait, their body slightly distorted because of the anti plant freeze

portable bus stop

rotascoped person

bus coming gif

rotascoped person

rotascoped person

3. deer bus tour multiplayer game

I’m interested in subverting game mechanics in this collective space…looking at absence of action and progression, absence of the deer’s physicality in the game. Absence can enable self created openings or windows of possibility, our brains filling in gaps: gaps have potential to begin mythology. The indicators of other players in the space is a rectangle, something that is neither here nor there, I wanted a simple visual representation of bodies as a non body. “We use “body” to give material form to an idea that has no form, an assemblage that is abstract.” Legacy Russell, Glitch Feminism

The game is a collage of my own videos and images, crudely made 3D objects, alongside stock images from Google. These stock images make up the pre-coded characters that lace the bus journey with sound bite narratives, these interactions come from the player moving through the space, alongside the potential other people present on the bus journey.

*I’ll be riding the bus everyday from the 9th-20th June at 19:00, come and join me, I’ll meet you at the bus stop! Game below*

gif of bus travelling off the game set

Artemis standing infront of dark backdrop with 2D trees smoking a cigarette

Artemis, deer bus tour

swimmer standing at the front of the bus with yellow poles infront and sea behind

deer bus tour

blue bus seats with drawings of deer on them sun on them

deer bus tour

deer bus tour

deer bus tour game

swimmer outside the bus going infront of a shrimp

deer bus tour

wolf sitting on a bus seat driving the bus

deer bus tour

deer bus tour game

artemis smoking

deer bus tour

artemis smoking

4. prints

A4 print £35, contact me through email or Instagram if you would like one! Different sized prints available, price on request

3D printed earrings £15- 3D print of my drawing of the portable bus stop

portable bus stop in brown heather with bright blue sky

portable bus stop

the white portable bus stop in the sea with bright blue sky and cliffs in the background

portable bus stop in the sea

person on brown heather and grass with blue sky waiting in the white portable bus stop

waiting in the portable bus stop

top section of white portable bus stop infront of the sea and blue sky

portable bus stop

shadow of portable bus stop on the grey sand with person standing in it

portable bus stop

Artemis standing infront of a dark backdrop with trees smoking a cigarette


blue bus seats with drawings of deer on them sun on them

deer bus tour

2D drawing that has been 3D printed infront of a digital rendered landscape background

portable bus stop 3D printed earrings

3D printed portable bus stop earring in someone's ear with dark hair and stubble

portable bus stop 3D printed earring
