Teng Hui Lim


The New Domestic Landscape
This project speculates a future where humanity has been ravaged by yet another pandemic, crippling the country and forcing its citizens into a permanent lockdown with extreme measures put into place in order to suppress the virus. Exploring how this scenario could shape the future of our domestic landscape on an interior scale – focusing on HDB estates in particular.
Every decade, humankind has had to deal with a deadly pandemic. From the Great Plague to SARS, and now a new virus of the corona strain (Covid-19), which has never been detected before. The World Health Organisation declared the outbreak a global health emergency and highlighted the need for a more coordinated international response to the outbreak. Overnight the boundaries of our world were suddenly confined to the walls of our homes. Covid-19 only serves to accentuate the fact that a pandemic will be a recurring event mankind will have to deal with. As mankind continues to fight pandemic after pandemic, how can we preserve/enhace our way of life in these trying times? Are we ready for the next pandemic? My project explores how this scenario could shape the future of our domestic landscape on an interior scale, and focuses on HDB estates in particular.
In the year 2030, A Deadly viral pathogen has spread and infected all over the world. Since the outbreak, the world has gone into a state of panic and frenzy as officials try to fix and keep the situation under control. WHO (World Health Organization) attempts to procure a vaccine fail, The Singapore government does away with the bureaucrats in power and the establishment of a civilian government. The country is turned into a police state under the control of its citizens and the military. Survivors of the pandemic are assigned to designated quarantine zones that are supposed to separate them from the infected and keep them safe. With the survival of humanity at risk, Nations worldwide quarantines and shuts off all exports to preserve supplies for their own survival. Singapore was left to fend for themselves through this time of peril. Singapore struggles to provide necessesties such as water, food to its citizens after having their supplies cut off from its supplying countries.
At the same time, the lockdown also brought about the loss of interactions with has began to harm our communities. A need has arisen for thought of our communities within the domestic
environment more so during the a pandemic.
Full Portfolio @ https://issuu.com/lth18/docs/lim_teng_hui