Communication Design Glasgow School of Design

Sadbh Grehan (She/Her)

Sadbh is a multidisciplinary designer focusing on concept driven, socially engaged design, with a sustainable approach.

Sans Sans Type design
Somewhere in Between
The Uninhabited Earth
Solas Identity

Sans Sans Type design

Sans Sans is an adapted typeface that addresses the issue of misinformation in social media. This project seeks to challenge passive consumption, provoking individuals to actively consider the accuracy and entirety of the information they consume and share online. By removing the ‘information’ of the letterforms, disrupting and altering the format in which the information is delivered, the mode of transmission becomes the concept.

Somewhere in Between

With Thomas Ive

Somewhere in Between is a photo essay celebrating our fundamental connections to the natural world. Produced over the winter lockdown months, we used props to mimic the elements to create a surreal tone and atmosphere. We photographed four instances of summer nostalgia in winter; barefeet in sand, a patch of blue sky, sitting on a grassy stretch, and a beam of sunlight. Having researched the scientific concept of biomimicry, which uses design inspired by nature, we took this theme as a visual cue for our photo explorations. We sought to make this concept more accessible through a visual narrative. This photo essay provides an alternative view of the habitats we mimic. Somewhere in Between draws on our desire to create lived experiences that have passed.

The Uninhabited Earth

Cover design for David Wallace-Wells’ ‘The Uninhabited Earth,’ published by Penguin Random House. The concept embodies the title, making use of negative space and muted type design to create an ‘uninhabited’ space.This cover design is an exercise in simplicity, using only the bare essentials to convey the topic and theme.

Solas Identity

Identity design for ‘Solas’; a hypothetical theatre company that produces pyrotechnic productions retelling mythological stories.This identity embodies the spirit of Solas’ niche areas – fire and Celtic mythology. Blending contemporary elements with details of ancient Celtic design, uniting the modern and traditional.The identity encompasses a modular design system of type, colour and pattern, allowing it to be applied to a wide variety of events produced by Solas theatre.