Robyn Leggat

I work with traditional illustration as well as ceramics to retell both my own as well as others stories, memories and experiences.
This year I have primarily been working on two projects. My first project is ceramic based. My second project is narrative based which contains multiple miniature works within, centred around one overarching theme. Both projects are inspired by events, memories and experiences I’ve had in my hometown. During my narrative project I have been drawing from short written stories and memories I have collected. I have written and re written many of these pieces while I have been in familiar locations which have I feel inspired me. During my ceramic based project I have been inspired by several forms of ancient pottery and the ability of ancient ceramicists to use 3D objects as storytelling devices. Throughout both projects, I found it to be more beneficial for my own creative practice to create a vast and rich body of developmental and experimental work in preference to singular final pieces.

Stories About Cats
My initial plan for this project was to illustrate a story based on the event of several cats going missing within a short space of time in my local area. Originally I aimed to retell the same story from multiple perspectives, experimenting with style and medium, however throughout the process, The project soon morphed into multiple miniature short projects consisting of zines, booklets and stand alone illustrations based on collected writings of my own memories, stories, experiences and childhood fears- some of which I also explored within my ceramics project. My aims for this project were to develop the skills to produce sequential imagery in service of a narrative as well as to produce a large and rich body of developmental work and experiments and new methods of working.
Throughout the year I created many ceramic pieces. I began first with several miniature experiments inspired by Palaeolithic Venus figurines, and then continued to make larger pieces inspired by ancient Grecian, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian and Latin American pottery. I explored the function and history of my own ceramics, creating backstories for my objects. I utilised stories and memories I had collected as a basis for illustrating my pieces. I was inspired by the hills and scenery of my local area, as well as plants, mushrooms and stones I have documented whilst outdoors.
I aimed to incorporate these shapes into these figurines as well as this I utilised colours found in these objects and landscapes to decorate these figurines. I also created several sequential tiles based on collected writings. These tiles are inspired by antique delftware
Pants On Fire
This work was a smaller story based project which branched off from my narrative project.Throughout this project I began combining elements from both my illustrative narrative and three dimensional ceramics projects. I was initially inspired by a story about a boy accidentally setting his own trousers alight. I became inspired by Dutch delftware ceramics and created a small ceramic cover book illustrating the full story. Alongside this book I created several shaped tiles based on the illustrations.
Throughout my narrative project, I set myself multiple miniature projects focused around zine making all with limited timescales. I utilised some of the stories I have collected to produce multiple zines and booklets, several are primarily inspired by childhood fears, memories and collected stories, and several are inspired by locations and the natural world in my surrounding area, primarily nature, plants, mushrooms and rocks. My aims for these zines were to produce many narratives within a short space of time whilst experimenting with medium and presentation.
Research and Writings
I produced a large body of primary research utilising photographs, collected writings and firsthand drawings of my local area. I wrote a lot whilst out visiting places within my town that I had a close connection to or had visited a lot during my childhood and teen years. I spent time visiting and revisiting these places at different times of day and collected a lot of these writings in the forms of recollections of short stories, poems / haikus and diary entries.