Kara Rose (She/Her)
Kara Rose Artwork
Communication Design – Illustration – Glasgow School of Art
I am a Glasgow based illustrator & photographer and I use my work to explore social topics & discuss important issues. My research is hugely primary based as both my books were created through my own personal research and a serious of public interviews & questionnaires. To me it is important that I get a public perspective of an issue and expand my own views as much as possible. I often tell other peoples stories through my own photography and illustration. I use my narrative skills and my art to communicate my ideas in a visually inspiring way.
- Instagram – @kararoseartwork
- kararoseartwork@gmail.com
- k.mclean1@gsa.student.ac.uk
‘What Has Been The Worst Part Of The Pandemic For You?’
I asked this question to over 400 people. Each response was raw & painful. I wanted to create a realistic portrayal of the world we are living in and how difficult the last year has actually been. I photographed throughout lockdown using an SLR camera and ended up over hundreds of photographs. I then drew on top of the photographs of different people window stills, I wanted to capture what people had been living with over the last year. I created tally mark pages to represent all the time that has passed and laid out all the responses clearly so they could all be read.
One the reasons I wanted to create this book is so that I had something to look back on to remind myself as how much we went through as a society – as well as how badly our government failed us. I wonder in years to come what will be written in history books about this time? Will we romantics it & pretend it was all learning dances and making your own bread? Will we forget how truly difficult it was to live day by day in lockdown? I want this to be saved and passed down to generations after us – so we learn from the governments fails and do not sugar coat this time.
‘He Says I’m So Mature For My Age – Part 1 & 2’
‘He Says I’m So Mature For My Age – Part 1 & 2’
I want to create a book that would highlight the dangerous of younger women dating an older man. I had put on Instagram if anyone would be able to relate to my topic and be comfortable enough to be interviewed. I had several different replies and each interview was hard in its own way. I began to create marks in response from the answers I had got back from the questions.
I then created 2 books that went together back to back. The first is from the ‘younger’ perspective of the women actually in the relationship at the time, ignoring the red flags and feeling special and important. the second part is from the perception of the narrator in Part 1 looking back years later & reflecting on the situation. Coming to terms with difficult realisations. The narrative itself is fictional but the message is factual. My aim was to raise awareness of predatorial behaviour towards younger women as many women can understand and relate to the content within my book in their own way.
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Film Poster
We were given a selection of films to watch and to create a poster for the ‘Film Festival’ that would include all of the movies we were given together. I was given 3 films – ‘The Nickel Hooper’, ‘Mable’s Blunder’ and ‘Price of Goofy’.
I decided I didn’t really want to use found imagery and photographed objects that I had so that it looked more realistic. I wanted to make the images look a mixture of realistic and print like textures. I then put together all the different scans I had used and created a multi-layer piece that would emphasise all the different films as well as capturing the chaos. I think that as it was only a short one-week project that I managed to produce work quickly and put together an image that does convey the brief.
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Sexism within Horror
I wanted to create work related to my essay not just to just ‘Jennifers Body’ the film. I want to use collage to express sexism within the horror genre. The example I used was that in horror films the ‘virgins’ are the only females who survive & the females who are seen to have or discuss sex do not survive. I want to express how this promotes rape culture in society and how we therefore deem women who have sex lives less valuable than those who do not.
Some of the text I have used has been what was said about Megan Fox by Micheal Bay. This was what I discussed in my final chapter to show the outside struggles and sexism Megan Fox had to face which contributed to the down fall of Jennifers Body.