Jack Hardie (He/Him)
Born and Raised in Glasgow, I am a Working-Class Multi-disciplinary Artist.
My Practice focuses on a variety of issues all within the exploration of human development in a world full of constructs and impositions. I make work to explore, question and re-define the way that society constructs and confines individuals to develop into a normalized, idealized way of being.
My works and creations stem from a lot of my own personal life experience through childhood and my own human development into adulthood – with references to challenges I have faced and that many others face in their lifetime. I believe Childhood is the stimulus for our development into adulthood and I research and explore the Psychology of this looking mostly into the issue of Gender Construction within Childhood and the follow on effect this has on our human development.
I aim to open up important discussions about human nature, society and the role of an individual in the world. I want to showcase my ideas and allows others to enter these and explore the questions I as an artist try to answer within my practice.
I always try to ensure my work is accessible to the viewer and to viewers from all educational and social backgrounds. Ideally, I wish for my work to be appreciated and investigated by non-art educated individuals as well as those with an artistic education – This reflects my own Working-Class identity and pride behind this. My work is made for everyone.
A Constructed Childhood
This Installation is a visual exploration and communication of the Constructs put upon us as humans throughout our Childhood. It is visually confronting and engaging in order to narrate my angers and frustrations at this idealization of children by society.
There are several different issues and ideas being communicated throughout the installation and I want to allow the viewer to take their own narrative from it. Yet other ideas remain more obvious to understand such as my frustration at the issue of gender construction within Childhood – which can bee seen through the many visual tools and obvious sculptural devices used to show this.
This installation, ideally for me, should act as an accessible and easy to follow guide into my thoughts and feelings surrounding my ideas and interests in terms of this Construction I explore.