Communication Design Glasgow School of Design

Georgina Stevens (she/her)

I joined the Communication Design course in 2018 with a background in painting and printmaking. I love analogue ways of making, and believe strongly in the satisfaction that can be gained through creating work by hand.

My projects this year touched on instruction giving, in both a more literal sense, and a somewhat lateral one. “Knit One” looks at ways of bringing elements of teaching a skill by hand into print, and “From A to B” sought to investigate the more emotive side of navigation.

Much of the work I make is inspired by ephemera such as travel tickets and packaging, especially if designed for a functional purpose with the designer choosing to add unusual or joyous elements to further the functionality.

From A to B
Knit One
Don’t Look Now

From A to B

From A to B began as a body of research carried out for my extended essay, exploring the question “How does 21st Century wayfinding design impact the ways in which we relate to our surroundings?”. The research brought me to the conclusion that as most 21st Century wayfind tools, such as Google Maps, function through GPS, there is no longer so much of a necessity to use one’s surroundings to aid with wayfinding, and that the result of this in an increasing sense of detachment from one’s environment. I wanted to create a piece of work that explored the outcomes of this research visually, without aiming to solve the issues of 21st Century wayfinding, but instead intending to provide some different prompts for considering the role it plays in our day to day lives.

Knit One

This project came about through wanting to create a piece of work that centred around providing instructions for a skill traditionally taught by hand. I looked at existing publications such as knitting magazines, particularly those from the 1960s which often included eccentric art direction, alongside a myriad of interesting fonts and creative layouts. However, as many of these magazines seemed to be aimed towards people who were already proficient in knitting I felt that many of them did not include the basics, and that the complexity of the patterns might deter someone (such as myself) who had set out to learn to knit from scratch. My outcome was a response to this that was designed to be something playful that due to its compact nature could be picked up by someone who was interested in learning a new skill, without a huge time, or financial investment.

Don’t Look Now

Despite a longstanding aversion to them, when it comes to horror films, I still want to know what’s going on. My preferred method of horror consumption is a detailed synopsis, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on the plot – along with a selection of behind the scenes photos, partially in order to be reminded that it is a work of fiction. This booklet contains a selection of 10 films spanning large budgets, small budgets, multiple languages and almost fifty years, but none of which I have watched. I chose to create this booklet so that any others with the same predicament might also be able to be in-the-know with their horror – without the horror.