Communication Design Glasgow School of Design

Emma Barrett (She/Her)

Illustrator / Animator

‘Mum’ – Animation Project
‘The Uninhabitable Earth’ by David Wallace-Wells Book Cover Redesign
‘Talking Turkeys’ by Benjamin Zephaniah – Cover Design
Life Drawing
‘Praying Hands – a reproduction’ – DH&T Project

‘Mum’ – Animation Project

‘Mum’ – An animation about an event my mother went through with me as a new born while suffering with postpartum depression. In this animation, the themes of guilt, shame and panic are explored of a mother going through nearly losing her child.

My brief for this project was to interview someone and create an animation to go with the interview. I decided to interview my mum about the time I stopped breathing as a new born with my mum alone at home. I interviewed my mum for around 10 minutes and during found out that at the time she dealing with postpartum depression. I cut down the interview to around 2 minutes and used a mixture of digital drawings and hand done water colour to create the animation.


Still 1

Still 2

Still 3

Still 4

‘The Uninhabitable Earth’ by David Wallace-Wells Book Cover Redesign

Book cover design for David Wallace-Wells book ‘The Uninhabitable Earth’.


‘Talking Turkeys’ by Benjamin Zephaniah – Cover Design

Benjamin Zephaniahs book ‘Talking Turkeys’ – Book cover design


Life Drawing

life drawing 1

Life drawing 2

Life Drawing 3

Life drawing 4

‘Praying Hands – a reproduction’ – DH&T Project

I made this project as a response to my DH&T essay about the relationship between kitsch and Christianity. In my essay I discussed the countless reproductions of Albrecht Dürer’s drawing ‘Praying Hands’ (1508). For the project I collected as many found images of these reproductions and made a short animation with the theme of kitsch.

'Paying Hands'