Glasgow Painting & Printmaking School of Fine Art

Emily Knight (She/Her)

‘I pin my thoughts up to remember.’

Motivated by the desire to document rose-tinted memories; paintings, illustrations and animations form the basis of my work.

My paintings visually explore the malleable perceptions of memory, developed through a process of collaged preparatory material, short animated sequences and larger paintings that are revisited over time. Painting becomes a tool to navigate the balancing act between preserving the details of a memory and witnessing a projected sense of feeling to a scene; often presenting a combination of abstracted colour, contrasting figures and trompe l’œil rendered material to present a collapse in the experience of memory.

These recent works reflect an image selection process influenced by a turbulent year of instability and feeling disconnected from friends and loved ones. These paintings spend months in the studio undergoing layers of slow reconsidered adaptation. Postcards, sketches, the contents of my pockets and other ephemera become attached to the painted surface, later incorporated through illusionistic style painting, archiving my own ambiguous mental connections directly onto the painted surface. Whilst this process is rooted in one of personal reflection, the viewer is invited to conjure their own narratives within the works.

You will have the opportunity to see these works displayed physically at Part Two of the Alternative Degree Show Festival taking place across Glasgow in July 2021. Visit the festival website for more details.


Alternative Degree Show Festival
Moving Day Works
Someone is thinking about you.
Friendly Fire
Throw it in to start the rally

Moving Day Works

Home Sweet Home (Suzy's ceramics by Rowan Doucette) + Wandering (Moving day gift)

For Sale: Prices on Request


Home Sweet Home (Suzy's ceramics by Rowan Doucette)

150cm x 110 cm x 2.5cm, Oil + Acrylic on Board, 2021
For Sale: Price on Request

Home Sweet Home (Detail)

Home Sweet Home (Detail)

Wandering (Moving day gift)

35cm x 35cm x 6cm, Oil + Acrylic on board, Looping animation, 14 painted frames, 2021
For Sale: Final Frame on board, Price on Request

Wandering (Moving Day Gift) (Detail)

Someone is thinking about you.

Someone is thinking about you.

Someone is thinking about you

For Sale: Price on Request


Someone is thinking about you.

89.5cm x 122cm x 2.5cm, Oil + Acrylic on Board, 2021
For Sale: Price on Request

Someone is thinking about you (Detail)

Someone is thinking about you (Detail)

Someone is thinking about you (Detail)

Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire

For Sale: Price on Request


Friendly Fire

60cm x 39.5cm x 2.8cm, Oil + Acrylic on Board, 2021

Friendly Fire (Detail)

Throw it in to start the rally

Throw it in to start the rally (Tennis by Andy Dixon)


Throw it in to start the rally (Tennis by Andy Dixon)

122cm x 77cm x 6.5cm, Oil + Acrylic Paint on Board, 2021

Throw it in to start the rally (Detail)

Throw it in to start the rally (Detail)

Throw it in to start the rally (Detail)