Campbell Fraser (He/Him)


CITIZENS’ is ongoing project being carried out by Pietro Fareri.
The project is to act as a service to challenge the current process of buying and consuming mass-produced clothes. Currently it is possible to wear sustainably made clothes but only if you can afford it. Fareri’s belief is “that if the consumer was in charge of the production, and the system was affordable to do so, they would be able to ensure that the material sourcing, the manufacture of the items and the disposal of the items were done properly.”
The concept is to use local tailors/seamstresses alongside a local Fab Lab to produce a simple pattern to make a basic garment. Citizens’ would provide you with a digital file which would have your necessary pattern, then taking this to a Fab Lab, which are “workshops where you can access the tools of digital fabrication”, this could include having the Fab Lab laser cut out your fabric or printing out the needed pattern. With this pattern you can choose to put it together yourself or take it to a local seamstress or tailor shop. The idea is that if you were to make it yourself you would have an understanding of how it was put together allowing you to fix and make any necessary repairs which had happened with wear. Or if you had visited a local tailors then you could revisit them for any repairs as you would have already built a relationship with them. This keeps the production local and cuts down on shipping and Fareri states that the ultimate goal would be “for the only things to move around globally, potentially, to be the digital files.”
TT Variable
TT variable is a WIP variable typeface. Simply the concept of the project is to replicate the different motions that are applied to the ball within a match of table tennis and echo these into the design of the typeface’s different styles.
For the moment I have limited the character set to that of numerals with the intention of using the typeface to create a real time responsive scoreboard. In which the scoreboards numbers will react to the shots made throughout the match.
I narrowed down the axis that TT Variable typeface would apply to being SPIN & POWER.
The Spin axis includes Topspin and Backspin. Where the Topspin variable creates a quick, sharp and fluid movement. Where as the backspins variable while still having fluidity and curvature to mimic the spin, has a heavier and slower feeling.
The Power Axis more simply effect the weight and height of the type. With a weak shot resulting in a light weight of type and a strong shot resulting in a bold weight.