Arwen Borris (She/Her)

I am a human-centred designer with a strong interest in user experience and service design. In my time at GSA the projects I enjoyed most were those in collaboration with the NHS and the general public where I had the opportunity to engage with others and view situations from other perspectives, designing from insights collected whilst in others shoes. My educational journey has been driven by Gandhi’s “You must be the change you wish to see in the world” and has steered me into designs and dissertations around education, healthcare, well-being, mental health and our environment. I intend to continue this path in meaningful designs that meet societal demands. I believe design, and more specifically designing together, to be the blueprints to creating a better world.

The final project of my undergraduate degree was inspired by the impact of the covid pandemic on the family dynamic. Parents were forced to become educators and many had a new outlook on family values. Family spaces had to facilitate working and learning environments without encroaching on home life. My project wanted to explore how the family home could support and nurture child development. I created Educushion, a company supplying a series of educational textiles and fort kit to enhance family engagement during the homeschooling experience.
Project Links

Key Insight

Final Designed Outcome

Teaching Aid (Front)

Teaching Aid (Back)

App Pages
Stress Less
Future Experiences is a collaborative project between GSA, the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre and the NHS. We were exploring how collective intelligence can be utilised in the future of cancer care and treatment. To view our collaborative work (part 1 of the project) please follow the link:
From my individual research I discovered that the years preceding 2030 will have an escalating issue of staff burnout due to stress from increasing pressures in the job and a rise in the number of patients. I have designed a new future working role to address this.
Stress Less is an external programme that would oversee staff stress levels in the department and organise substitutions accordingly. A ‘Substitutions Coordinator’ has been implemented into the oncology ward to monitor staff stress levels and take action before burnout occurs. The coordinator cares for the mental health of the staff whilst they care for the patients. Staff will be supplied with a smart vest to go under their uniform, it will monitor their heart rate, energy, temperature, location when on the ward and their stress levels. It reports this collected data back to the Substitutions Coordinator where they can assess situations and supply support. This collective openness and mental health focus will improve the care and treatment they produce and prevent staff burnout.

Key Insight