The Pang of Hunger

A liminal space is the time between the ‘what was’ and the ‘next.’ It is a place of transition, waiting, and not knowing. Liminal space is where all transformation takes place, if we learn to wait and let it form us.


With a story about someone entering liminal space(s), it can’t really have a linear plot because for a liminal space to exist it needs to be taken out of its original context. Using a typewriter i had created an experimental writing prompt from the perspective of someone in this position, who would be moving through liminal space. I was trying to evoke this mercurial pattern in the direction of the pattern of speech. This then became the main bulk of the script that the storyboards and then the final film treatments. Due to the lack of linear storytelling, i had decided to format the final outcome as a spiral bound film treatment to consolidate it into a medium that could be absorbed professionally.

Title page



Props List

Motion Graphics/VFX

Slide One

Slide Two

Slide Three

Slide Four

Slide Five

Slide Six

Slide Seven

Slide Eight

Slide Nine

Slide Ten

Slide Eleven

Slide Twelve

Slide Thirteen

Slide Fourteen

Slide Fifteen

Slide Sixteen

Slide Sixteen

Slide Seventeen

Slide Eighteen

Slide Nineteen

Slide Twenty

End of Treatment

original writing prompt

Pang of Hunger Original Drawings

These are the original pastel drawings i designed for storyboards. These are available for purchase on request .