A visual identity
Title: Bbywerks
A local online business which started out in 2020 as a small project. Not only aimed towards aesthetics and beauty but Bbywerks wishes to engage, connect and bring love ones together through art on an emotional level.
Logo Design
The state of flow.
The brand logo is inspired by the idea of tranquility, balance and flow. These concepts are put together to form the logo’s elements emphasising on movement and imperfections. The re-designed typeface is a sans-serif font with soft thick & thin strokes with rounded ascenders which I feel has an elegant feel of movement and a good representative of “flow”. The abstract logo mark is inspired by organic shapes, the idea of flow, the environment of nature together with the concept of balance and imperfections through the reference of the Chinese yin-yang symbol.
The Process
The fluidity provides therapy which then immerses makers during the process, going into a state of tranquility, providing a calm space to create and express through colours in the artwork.
The Art
The unique art pieces encourages one to express individuality and also encouraging one to learn and accept the beauty in imperfections.